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Stephen C. Widom Cultural Arts
YESTERDAY: A Tribute to the Beatles
Sunday, November 3, 2024 • 3PM


Thanks to all of you who attended SCW Cultural Arts’ Tribute to the Beatles. It was a joyous event, made more so by those of you who got up and danced in the aisles. Granted, there wasn’t much room — the house was packed — but you couldn’t resist. And — thank you Don Bellezzo, aka “John Lennon,” founder of Yesterday Productions, and “Paul,” “George,” and “Ringo” for a memorable concert!

We are grateful to our Ushers, Building Superintendent, Building and Office Staff, for their cheerful assistance — doing whatever needed to be done to make the day a success.​​​​


Sunday, February 2 • 3:00PM
In Conversation with Dr. Richard Haass moderated by Errol Lous. Call 516.482.5701.

Friday, February 7 • 5:00PM

Vesper Service with Rabbi Charles Agin and Susan Agin as cantor. Call Missy at 516.482.5701 to receive Zoom invitation and link.

Sunday, February 9 • 5:30PM
Super Bowl Sunday at Emanuel.
RSVP - 516.482.5701.

Friday, February 14 • 5:00PM
Vesper Service with Rabbi Robert Jacobs. Call Missy at 516.482.5701 to receive Zoom invitation and link.

Friday, February 21 • 5:00PM
Vesper Service with Rabbi Ronnie Kehati. Call Missy at 516.482.5701 to receive Zoom invitation and link.

Friday, February 28 • 5:00PM
Vesper Service with Rabbi Robert S. Widom.  Dr. Ralph Buultjens will offer the talk: "The Global Perspective: America, Israel & the World 2025." Call Missy at 516.482.5701 to receive Zoom invitation and link.



516-482-5701  |  150 Hicks Lane  Great Neck, NY 11024

©2019 by Temple Emanuel of Great Neck

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